
It would almost be impossible to disconnect adventure from scuba diving.  The same diver never makes the same dive twice.  This means that you change with every experience, and the spot you dive will be different every time you dive.  The awesome thing about being immersed in a living environment is that it changes from day to day, season to season, and it interacts with you differently, too.  PADI teaches about the Three E’s: Education, Equipment and Experience.  It’s a continuous cycle incrementally expands your options as a diver, which translates into even more amazing adventures!  Diving in a creek or river is wildly different from diving in a lake or abandoned missile silo or a Caribbean island.  We encourage people not to limit themselves to only one place to dive, one kind of diving.  Diving gorgeous coral reefs presents one kind of experience.  Diving on underwater wrecks presents and entirely different one.  And both become something completely new during a night dive!  Your adventures are limited only by your imagination, education and experience!